Air Monitoring
Air sampling involves drawing air through a filter for a measured time, so that airborne particles are collected.
We will discuss your individual case in detail and then confirm which of the following services would best meet your needs.

We can support you with:
- Personal asbestos air monitoring
- Background air tests
- Leak air tests
Asbestos Personal Air Testing
This type of air testing is used to see the asbestos exposure to an individual, this and can help to gauge the usefulness of your control measures in place; to evaluate if the control measures are being exceeded and to ensure the PPE being used is providing the individual with the correct protection. A pump is attached to an individual during an activity such as asbestos removal or building demolition which tests their asbestos exposure levels.

Asbestos Background Air Testing
This type of air testing analyses the fibre concentration prior to or during any works being carried out. This is generally used to ensure fibre concentration is at a safe level during works and checks that asbestos levels in the air are below recommended level. These types of air tests are usually carried out during minor remedial works or when accidental damage has occurred to ACMs. They can also be used as part of overall monitoring strategy to manage asbestos-related risks.
Asbestos Leakage Air Testing
This type of air testing checks the integrity of an enclosure has not been compromised, once it has been built. The enclosure should be secure and not allow asbestos fibres to leave the area. This air test is used alongside a smoke test and visual inspections are carried out regularly.